
Showing posts from February, 2019

Explain the difference between Internet, Intranet and Extranet.

Explain the difference between Internet, Intranet and Extranet. All three are terminologies of how a network can be accessed. They define the access levels for each user which is present inside and outside the network. Internet: In this, all applications can be accessed from anywhere by anyone over the worldwide web. Intranet : It limits access for users in the same organization. All users outside the organization cannot access this network. Extranet: When external users are allowed to access a network of an organization then it is extranet. They are provided access to a limited application in the organization. #internet #intranet #extranet #network #web

What is and localhost?

32.  What is and localhost? The IP address is reserved for localhost connections. These local host networks are reserved for the biggest customers or some very important people on the internet. To check whether the local host server is working fine you must ping the server and check for its response. If it is not responsible then the reason can be that the server is down or the network card is not in good condition. is a loopback connection and if you get a response for this then it signifies that your hardware is in good condition. #localhost #ping #server #network

What are the uses of cross and standard cables?

 31. What are the uses of cross and standard cables?  A network cable is necessary to connect all systems to be in a network together. This cable can either be straight or crossover. Both these cables have different arrangements which are required for different purposes. A straight cable can be used to connect a computer to a switch, hub, modem or a router to the switch. A crossover cable is used when a computer is to be connected to a computer or a switch with a switch or a hub with a hub. #cable #standard #straightthrough #hub #switch

Explain in short the meanings of PAN, LAN, HAN, SAN, and WAN.

30. Explain in short the meanings of PAN, LAN, HAN, SAN, and WAN. PAN: This signifies Personal Area Network. It is a connection which is used by a person. LAN: This stands for Local Area Network and is a connection of all computers in a small location like school, office, etc. HAN: This stands for Home Area Network and helps in connecting devices from some PCs, phone, fax machines, etc. SAN: This stands for Storage Area Network. It is a connection between different storage devices. WAN: This is an acronym for Wide Area Network. It connects various devices, phones, printers, etc. over a wide network which can be different cities or countries and even continents. #lan #wan #pan #san #han #network

Explain the seven layers of the OSI reference model.

 29. Explain the seven layers of the OSI reference model. Below are the seven layers of the OSI reference model: Physical Layer: This layer converts data bits into radio signals. An example of this is Ethernet. Data Link layer: At data link layer data packets are encoded and decoded and are provided to node data transfer. Network Layer: This layer transfers variable length data from one node to another. This data is known as datagram. Transport Layer: This layer transfers data between different nodes and keeps giving acknowledgments for data packets. It keeps track of all transmissions and transmission failures. Session Layer: This layer manages connections between different systems on a network. It helps in establishing coordinating and terminating connections between all applications. Presentation Layer: It transforms data into the form which application layer will accept. Application Layer: This is the last layer which both end user and application interact with. Th...

What is the maximum segment length of a 100Base-FX network?

28. What is the maximum segment length of a 100Base-FX network? The maximum segment length will be 412 meters. #fx #base #segment 

What is the role of IEEE in the world of computer network?

27. What is the role of IEEE in the world of computer network? IEEE full form is the Institute of Electrical and electronic Engineer which is used to define and develop the standards which will be used over the network. #IEEE #network #standards #electrical #electronic #engineer

What do you mean by Decoder?

26. What do you mean by Decoder? A decoder is a program which converts the encrypted data into its actual format. #decoder #program #encryption #format

What are the key elements of the protocol?

25 What are the key elements of the protocol? There are three key elements of the protocol: Syntax: Describe the format of the data. Semantics: Describes the meaning of each section. Timings: Explain the timing that how fast the data can be sent. #protocol #syntax #semantics #timings #data

What do you mean by SLIP protocol?

24. What do you mean by SLIP protocol? SLIP stands for Serial Line Interface Protocol. It is used for sending IP datagram over a network in a single line. #slip #protocol #ip #datagram #layer

What are the types of mode available in Network?

 23. What are the types of mode available in Network? Data transferring mode in a computer network will be of three types: Simplex, Half-Duplex and Full Duplex. #mode #network #simplex #halfduplex #fullduplex #data

What do you mean by ASCII?

22. What do you mean by ASCII? ASCII is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. #ascii #information #table

What do you mean by NIC?

22. What do you mean by NIC? NIC stands for Network interface card. It is an adapter that will be installed on the computer and because of that NIC, only that computer will interact with the network. #nic #network #computer #interface 

What do you mean by Classes of Network?

21. What do you mean by Classes of Network? The Classes of IPV4 are of 5 types: Class A to Class B to Class C to Class D to Class E to #network #ipv4 #classa #classb #classc #classd #classe

What do you mean by Proxy server?

20. What do you mean by a Proxy server and how to protect it? Proxy servers are servers that prevent external users who are not authorized to access an IP address from accessing it. When data transmission comes into picture IP addresses are required and so are DNS which route the correct IP address to the domain name. Proxy servers also maintain the list of all blacklisted websites so that all internal users are automatically prevented from any attacks from viruses, worms, etc. #proxy #server #unauthorized #ipaddress

What do you mean by DNS?

19. What do you mean by DNS?        DNS Stands for Domain Name System. It’s an internet address mapping process with the local name. We can also can it as an internet phonebook.         It is a naming system which includes physical nodes and its applications. DNS is a way of finding a resource easily over a network. It gives a name to a particular IP address. It is always easy to remember that an IPV4 address or IPV6 address. Domain Name system is responsible for assigning Domain names by mapping corresponding IP addresses and works in a hierarchical way. #dns #internet #address #internet

What do you mean by a Firewall?

18. What do you mean by a Firewall? Firewall is a concept of a security system that will helps computers to protect it with unauthorized access or any cyber-attack. It averts malignant access from computers outside the network. A firewall also works when you want to limit access to outside users. A firewall mainly consists of hardware devices, software programs or a combination of both these. All the messages coming from a network or going to a network have to pass through this firewall. Firewalls are examined by security criteria and the messages which meet these criteria are passed through the network. If the message does not fulfill the criteria then the message is blocked and not sent to the network further. Firewalls can be installed like any software and can be later customized as per needs for getting control over features and security. #firewall #security #system #access #cyber

What do you mean by TCP and UDP?

17. What do you mean by TCP and UDP? TCP stands for Transfer control protocol and UDP stands for User Datagrams protocol and TCP is a connection-oriented protocol and UDP is a Connectionless protocol. #tcp #udp #protocol 

What do you mean by HTTP?

17. What do you mean by HTTP? HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and the port for this is 80. This protocol is responsible for web content. #http #protocol #webcontent

Explain the different Layers of TCP/IP Model.

16. Explain the different Layers of TCP/IP Model. Application Layer, Transport Layer, Network or Internet Layer, Network interface layer. #tcp #ip #appication #transport #network #networkinterface

What do you mean by the TCP/IP Model?

15. What do you mean by the TCP/IP Model? TCP/IP stands for Transmission control protocol and Internet protocol. It describes how the data will get transmitted and routed from end to end communication. #tcp #ip #protocol

Describe Hub, Switch and Router?

14. Describe Hub, Switch and Router? Hub: Hub will broadcast all data to every port. It has a common connection point for all devices. Switch: Switch will create a dynamic connection and provide information to the requesting port. Router: Router is the devices which will be responsible for forwarding data packets. #hub #switch #router #devices #port #packets

What is the OSI model?

14. What is the OSI model? OSI model stands for Open System Interconnection. It’s a reference model which describes how different applications will communicate with each other over the computer network. #osi #network #application #system #interconnection

What is Routers?

 13. What is Routers?  A router is a physical device which is a gateway between two networks. It does the job of forwarding the data packets from one network to another and builds an interconnection link between the two networks. #router #source #destination #data

What do you mean by Network Topology?

12. What do you mean by Network Topology? A network topology is a physical structure of the network which defines how the computers or node will be connected to each other. #network #topology #computer #connected 

What do you mean by Network?

11. What do you mean by Network? Set of devices connected to each other over the physical medium is known as a computer network. For example the Internet. #network#device #computer

What is the maximum length allowed for a UTP cable?

10) What is the maximum length allowed for a UTP cable? A single segment of UTP cable has an allowable length of 90 to 100 meters. This limitation can be overcome by using repeaters and switches. #utp #length #repeater #switches

What is a subnet mask?

9) What is a subnet mask? A subnet mask is combined with an IP address in order to identify two parts: the extended network address and the host address. Like an IP address, a subnet mask is made up of 32 bits.       #subnetmask #networkid #hostid #ipaddress

What is anonymous FTP?

8) What is anonymous FTP? Anonymous FTP is a way of granting user access to files in public servers. Users that are allowed access to data in these servers do not need to identify themselves, but instead, log in as an anonymous guest. #ftp #user #files #server #data #login 

What is point to point link?

7) What is point to point link? It refers to a direct connection between two computers on a network. A point to point connection does not need any other network devices other than connecting a cable to the NIC cards of both computers. #ppp #protocol #network #computer #nic #devices

What are routers?

6) What are routers? Routers can connect two or more network segments. These are intelligent network devices that store information in its routing tables such as paths, hops, and bottlenecks. With this info, they are able to determine the best path for data transfer. Routers operate at the OSI Network Layer. #routers #network #device #routingtable #path #hob #datatransfer #osi #networklayer

What is a node?

5. What is a node? A node refers to a point or joint where a connection takes place. It can be a computer or device that is part of a network. Two or more nodes are needed in order to form a network connection. #node #point #network #connection #computer

What is a LAN?

4) What is a LAN? LAN is short for Local Area Network. It refers to the connection between computers and other network devices that are located within a small physical location. #lan #computer #network #device #physical #location 

OSI Layer


OSI Layer


OSI Layer


What is backbone network?

3. What is a backbone network? A backbone network is a centralized infrastructure that is designed to distribute different routes and data to various networks. It also handles the management of bandwidth and various channels. #backbone #network #routers #bandwidth

What are the layers of the OSI reference model?

2. What are the layers of the OSI reference model? There are 7 OSI layers: Physical Layer,  Data Link Layer,  Network Layer,  Transport Layer, Session Layer,  Presentation Layer, Application Layer. #osi #layers #physical #datalink #network #transport #session #presentation #application

What is a Link?

1) What is a Link? A link refers to the connectivity between two devices. It includes the type of cables and protocols used in order for one device to be able to communicate with the other. #link #ethernet #network #connection #cable #protocols #devices